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Conventional generation includes thermal and lignite generation, as well as mining
We are the leading Greek electric utility, with activities in electricity generation, distribution network operation and supply of electricity to end consumers
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PPC aims at a comprehensive integration of sustainable development/CSV issues into the strategy, governance, and operational model of the Group
Company's performance for 2020 regarding environmental, social and governance matters (ESG) based on Stock Exchange indices
We take substantive action to combat climate change and its impact
The monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from thermal power plants follow the European Commission’s guidelines
Learn about the management procedures of Thermal Power Plants
Preserving biodiversity is integral part of PPC’s environmental strategy
We like to build long-term relationships and are bound by common values and convictions
The PPC Staff Regulation governs, inter alia, the rights and duties of employees, the terms of employment contracts, the relationships arising in the execution of work and the procedure of disciplinary control
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Our company has its own Private Institute of Vocational Training, the “PPC PIVT Energy Institute” (IIEK)
The Occupational Health and Safety Department (OHSD) is the Internal Protection & Prevention Service (IPPS) of our company
Learn more about our business principles and practices
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A collection inspired by PPC's rich history and heritage
PPC is being converted into an environmentally sustainable company
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Shareholding structure, corporate actions, general meetings of shareholders, allocation of funds pursuant to Capital Increases
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Creating shared value
PPC is committed to the principles of responsible business and Sustainable Development
Withdrawal of Power Plants, modernizing capacity, initiatives and international partnerships
We apply Environmental Management Systems in our power generation facilities and have them certified according to the most current international standards
Learn about the activities of Environmental Management Systems in HPPs
PPC recognizes the importance of water resources for sustainable development and to this end, it implements a series of preventive measures and actions
99,7% of staff is governed by a three-year Company-level Collective Agreement (CLCA); the latest was entered on 23.4.2021.
In this context of broader multi-level transformation and expansion we are also redefining our identity as a desirable employer
Each year at PPC we receive 250 students as an average
OHSD is a licensed EPPS and can provide Prevention & Protection services to customers, both within and outside PPC Group
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The mission of the Unit is to fulfill, on behalf of the Company, the role of Electricity Supplier
Stock news and notifiacations of transactions
PPC focuses on the three pillars (ESG) of sustainability, integrating its social, environmental, and economic sustainability
The West Macedonia Lignite Center (WMLC) has been certified according to ISO 14001:2015 for its Environmental Management System
Steps, actions and measures of environmental protection
PPC S.A. implements actions aiming to control and reduce emissions
Every year we renew, as a company, our membership or initiate new memberships in approximately 45 national and international Organizations
Certifications according to ISO 9001:2015
Information about personal data
Our strategic objective is to position PPC as the most important player in the new e-mobility market
Find presentations of finacial results, as well as corporate presentations
Announcements regarding General Meetings of Shareholders, per year
Communication and cooperation with stakeholders is of particular importance to PPC and is part of the Company's operation
Actions for waste management and circular economy practices
With 81 branches throughout the nation, the PPC’s Library is an important centre of information with approximately 10,000 book titles, 85 magazine titles, newspapers and rare studies dating back to its foundation
Learn about PPC's policy about Occupational Health & Safety
The Company has established an Internal Audit System (IAS) overseen by the Audit Committee.
Information about PPC Group's latest news, corporate announcements and audiovisual material
Become a franchisee and take advantage of our innovative business development model.
The PPC Group has issued in 2021 through PPC SA. three sustainability-linked senior notes which are traded on the Global Exchange Market
Improvement of the Energy Efficiency has an impact on the consumption of primary energy without limiting the process of production
Information about PPC's job openings
We constantly improve our employees’ skills and knowledge by promoting their development
PPC S.A. places particular emphasis on dealing with Occupational Health and Safety issues
Explore the milestones of our history and see our legacy collection
See the credit rating agencies that rate PPC S.A.
PPC SA takes care for the protection of third parties, whether they are visitors or contractors
See the analysts that cover PPC stock
Occupational Health and Safety Department (OHSD) is the Internal Protection & Prevention Service (IHPPS) of PPC
In our production operations we apply Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, which are certified according to the latest international standards
PPC has embarked on a path of green growth and leads the energy transition in Greece
Learn about our measures in response to COVID-19 pandemic
Learn about PPC's performance in environmental, social and corporate governance matters
Learn more about our actions for Society, Culture, and the Environment.