The main principles of our Policy are as follows:
1. Reduce our impact on the environment and on biodiversity.
2. Take the lead in energy savings.
3. Become a catalyst in the transition towards meeting our national and international goals in addressing climate change by reducing the carbon footprint in generation, and in the value chain.
4. Work out scenarios in relation to climate change in order to shield the company in the future.
5. Be a driving force in the transition towards adopting the principles of the circular economy.
6. Respect human rights.
7. Be competitive and generate and provide energy and high-quality energy products and services that meet the needs of and are affordable for consumers.
8. Raise standards in regard to sustainable development issues for our Group; create partnerships with others for the same purpose.
9. Respect and capitalize on diversity, incorporate the principles of inclusion into our culture, offer equal recruitment and career opportunities, provide training and retraining to employees and become a priority for job seekers.
10. Choose our partners and suppliers also in view of how they perform in sustainable development issues and ESG criteria.
11. Contribute decisively to a Just Transition, in cooperation with state authorities and other institutions, in the context of the country’s energy transformation.
12. Promote innovation and research and co-create solutions together with stakeholders.
13. Respond to the legitimate interests and pursuits of all stakeholders and maintain open communication channels with Society.
14. Demonstrate social responsibility and a sense of duty with emphasis on local communities, based on the principles of solidarity and mutual respect.
15. Cater for health, safety and well-being for our personnel and for society at large.
16. Link the remuneration of our executives also to sustainable development and ESG criteria.
17. Aside from the environmental impact, evaluate also the social impact – either positive or negative – of important corporate activities, be it in respect of decommissioning units or new products, services and investments.
18. Inspire trust to our investors in order to create mutual competitive benefits and attract international long-term investment funds that will enable the deployment of our investment plan.
19. Propose and support initiatives, policies, regulatory and statutory frameworks that will fortify the path towards just sustainable development for the country and for Europe at large.
20. Be a model of good corporate governance.
21. Comply with international rules of professional ethics and anti-corruption with transparency, integrity and emphasis on Business Ethics.
22. Comply with the effective national and international regulatory and legislative frameworks.