GRI 302-1: Energy consumption within the organization |
Energy consumption (TJ) |
PPC S.A. |
Total energy consumption within the organization |
169,569.22 |
Total energy consumption within the organization from non-renewable sources |
166,837.23 |
For electricity and thermal energy production |
Lignite |
63,213.69 |
Natural gas |
61,943.46 |
Fuel oil |
32,700.13 |
Diesel |
8,351.58 |
Petrol |
0.00 |
166,208.86 |
For mobile and stationary combustion |
Mobile combustion (fleet) |
588.83 |
Stationary combustion |
39.54 |
628.37 |
Total energy consumption within the organization from renewable sources |
0.00 |
Electricity purchased |
2,731.99 |
For self-consumption needs of production units - mines - pumping |
2,655.19 |
For building requirements |
76.76 |
For company vehicles |
0.04 |
Amount of energy produced |
80,803.02 |
Electricity |
79,619.55 |
Thermal Stations |
65,200.66 |
Large hydroelectric plants |
14,418.90 |
0.00 |
Thermal energy |
1,183.46 |
District Heating |
1,183.46 |
Energy sol |
80,803.02 |
Electricity |
79,619.55 |
Thermal energy |
1,183.46 |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Efficient Energy Management & Key Performance Indicators ESG, p: 112 |
GRI 302-3 | Energy intensity |
Energy intensity ratio for the organization (TJ/million €) |
15,63 |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Efficient Energy Management & Key Performance Indicators ESG, p: 114 |
GRI 303-1 Managing water as a natural resource |
GRI 303-2 Management of impacts related to water discharge |
GRI 303-5 Water consumption (ML) |
16.168,00 |
GRI 304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
GRI 304-3 Habitats protected or restored |
GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
GRI 305-2: Indirect emissions from imported energy (Scope 2) |
*The value presented does not correspond to the final Scope 3 emissions as it does not include emissions of Category 3 where the calculation is in progress due to a revision of the methodology. The calculation of Category 3 is in progress as the relevant calculation methodology is currently under review. The calculation of Scope 3 emissions as well as the verification of the total emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) according to ISO 14064 is in progress. The verified data (Scope 1, 2 and 3) together with the corresponding consolidated data for the whole Group will be posted on the corporate website in early 2024.
GRI 305-7: Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions |
GRI 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Promoting Circular Economy, p: 120 |
GRI 306-2 Management of significant impacts related to waste |
For the year 2022, PPC S.A. has 75 waste generating facilities that fall within the scope of the EWR. Similarly, Lignitiki Megalopolis had 5 facilities and Lignitiki Melitis had 3 facilities for the period 01/01-31/05 that these companies operated. After their absorption by PPC S.A., the aforementioned 8 (5+3) facilities belong to PPC S.A. and are included in the aforementioned 75. The monitoring of PPC S.A.’s performance is achieved by collecting the individual reports submitted by each facility within the framework of the EWR, compiling them and extracting aggregated data. In 2022, a total of 1,058,834.36 tons of waste were removed from the facilities of PPC S.A. and its subsidiaries, Lignitiki Megalopolis and Lignitiki Meliti. Out of this amount, 1.45% corresponds to quantities directed to recovery operations (R), while 98.55% corresponds to quantities directed to disposal operations (D). It is noted that these percentages are significantly influenced by the inclusion of quantities of fly ash and gypsum that are not utilized as by-products, resulting in their disposal (D). Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Promoting Circular Economy, p: 120 |
GRI 306-3 Waste generated (tn) |
Waste Generated: 1.066.910,76 |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Promoting Circular Economy & Key Performance Indicators ESG, p: 123 |
GRI 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal (tn) |
Hazardous: 7,215.18 Non-Hazardous: 8,121.14 |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Promoting Circular Economy & Key Performance Indicators ESG, p: 123 |
GRI 306-5 Waste directed to disposal (tn) |
Hazardous: 2,098.66 Non-Hazardous: 1,041,399.38 |
Link: Sustainability Report 2022, Promoting Circular Economy & Key Performance Indicators ESG, p: 123 |