Sustainable Development

Society (S)


C-S1 | Stakeholder engagement
(Data refer to PPC Group)


PPC Group recognizes as stakeholders the entities or individuals that influence and are influenced, directly or indirectly, by its business activity. Its main objective is to create stable channels of communication in order to enhance continuous and seamless communication with each of the stakeholder categories.

The Group interacts daily with a wide range of social groups due to its multi-level business activity, resulting in different ways of communication. Specifically, distinct channels have been established for each category of stakeholders, with the frequency of each communication depending on the type of relationship the Group has developed with each group. The result of this systematic effort is the establishment of a constructive cooperation with all stakeholders, which forms the basis for the evaluation and planning of the Group's activity, with the main tool being two-way dialogue and respect for the concerns and needs of each individual group.

It is worth noting that in the context of the double materiality assessment carried out by the Group, stakeholders were invited to participate in the survey to assess the impact on sustainable development issues at the level of the parent company (PPC S.A.) and its subsidiaries (HEDNO, PPC Renewables), with the results of the survey contributing to the definition of the Group's material issues.

More information on stakeholder engagement can be found in the Sustainable Development Report 2020 on the company's website.


C-S2 | Female employees 
(Data refer to PPC Group)

Percentage of female employees  (%)



C-S3 | Percentage of women in management positions
(Data refer to PPC Group)

Percentage of women in management positions (i.e., top 10% of employees by total compensation)


The top 10% of employees by highest earnings were calculated based on their annual earnings in 2022, excluding bonuses, shift allowances, overtime, and employer contributions.


C-S4-1 & C-S4-2 | Employee turnover
(Data refer to PPC Group)

C-S4-1 | Voluntary turnover (%)


C-S4-2 | Involuntary turnover(%)



C-S5-1 &C-S5-2 | Employee training
(Data refer to PPC Group)

Average training hours of employees in the top 10% of employees by total compensation


Total number of training hours provided to each employee in the top 10% of employees by total compensation


Total number of employees included in the top 10% of employees by total compensation



Average training hours of employees in the bottom 90% of employees by total compensation


Total number of training hours provided to each employee in the bottom 90% of employees by total compensation


Total number of employees included in the bottom 90% of employees by total compensation





C-S6| Human rights policy - Description of human rights policy and fundamental principles
(Data refer to PPC S.A)


PPC S.A. advocates for the protection of human rights and actively opposes child labor, forced labor, and any form of discrimination. The adherence to and protection of human rights in the workplace primarily involve:

• Providing equal opportunities in the recruitment, placement, training, compensation, and advancement of personnel within the Company (Code of Ethical Conduct §§ 1 and 2).
• Ensuring the health and safety of its employees (PPC's Health and Safety Policy and Code of Ethical Conduct § 3), as well as those employed by contractors in its facilities (Management Decisions).
• Compliance with applicable legislation on salaries, working hours, overtime, and benefits for PPC executives and staff (Compensation Policy for Board and Committee members, and the hiring process and remuneration policy for Company executives, Collective Labor Agreements, PPC Staff Compensation Scheme, etc.).
• Freedom of association and collective bargaining (Collective Labor Agreements, etc.).
• Non-employment of individuals under 18 years of age.
• Zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, offensive or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment, or retaliation of any kind (PPC Staff Regulation, Chapter D, Article 19, Article 26 para. 3, Code of Ethical Conduct: § 13). The Company has a Policy against Violence and Harassment in the Workplace in compliance with Law 4808/2021 for the protection of labor, approved by Decision No. 18/01.03.2022 of the Board of Directors.
• Striking a balance between the professional and personal lives of its employees (PPC Staff Regulation, Collective Labor Agreements, Management Decisions, etc.).
• Providing incentives for better employee performance, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism (Board Decision).

With Decision No. 54/6.6.2022, the PPC S.A. introduced the Human Rights Policy. The Policy establishes a framework for promoting respect and protection of human rights, both within the Company and in its sphere of influence.

The Policy expresses PPC S.A.'s commitment to intolerance of human rights violations, avoiding both related violations by persons falling within the scope of the Policy and transactions with third parties that have been proven to cause violations of these rights (at least with the issuance of a first-instance court decision). Furthermore, the Policy aims to increase awareness among employees and all involved parties regarding the respect and protection of human rights in all areas of the Company's business activities, including its subsidiaries.


C-S7 | Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
(Data refer to PPC Group)

Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements (%)




C-S8 | Supplier assessment
(Data refer to PPC S.A)

The strong partnerships with suppliers are very important for the sustainable development of PPC S.A. For this reason, in 2022, the Company's Code of Conduct has been given to each one of its partners, who have acknowledged in writing that they have received, understood and agreed to comply with all the corporate principles, values and rules it contains.

In addition, the Company’s Board of Directors, in 2022, approved the new Regulation of Works, Supplies and Services, for the execution of contracts for Projects, Procurement and Services of the Company. This includes mainly the evaluation of social and environmental. More specifically, PPC S.A. can:

• temporarily or definitively exclude a contractor on the basis of social and environmental criteria, especially if the contractor has been convicted of a violation of environmental, social or labor law, or is not sufficiently reliable
• require contractors to provide evidence of their compliance, with the possibility of exclusion in case of infringements.
• introduce clauses in Project and Service Contracts, obliging contractors to comply with environmental, social and labor laws, with possible sanctions in case of violations
• stop the work of a contractor who does not comply with health and safety requirements at work
• exclude a contractor who systematically violates environmental, social and labor laws, in accordance with the terms of the contract.


A-S1-1 & A-S1-2 & Α-S1-3| Sustainable economic activity
(Data refer to PPC Group)

The recognition of the eligible economic activities of the Group was also conducted based on the NACE Codes associated with its operations. These activities, in accordance with the Regulation, pertain to financial data that are fully consolidated.

The economic activities of PPC Group for the financial year 2022 which were identified as eligible are the following:

• Activity 4.1 - Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology
• Activity 4.3 - Electricity generation from wind power
• Activity 4.5 - Electricity generation from hydropower
• Activity 4.6 - Electricity generation from geothermal energy
• Activity 4.8 - Electricity generation from bioenergy
• Activity 4.9 - Transmission and distribution of electricity
• Activity 4.10 - Storage of electricity
• Activity 4.29 - Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels

The percentage of turnover, capital, and operational expenditure corresponding to aligned activities is zero at the Group level.


A-S2 | Total amount of monetary expenditure on employee training
(Data refer to PPC Group)

Total amount of monetary expenditure on employee training




Α-S3 | Gender pay gap
(Data refer to PPC Group)


Percentage of difference between male and female earnings (%)



It is pointed out that the pay gap between male and female employees is in no way due to discriminatory gender-based pay management. By way of illustration, the total regular remuneration may also include allowances related to the nature and conditions of work and the job position, e.g. allowances linked to positions in mines and power plants which are mainly chosen by male employees


Α-S4-1 & A-S4-2CEO pay ratio
(Data refer to PPC S.A)

A-S4-1 Total CEO pay


A-S4-2 Ratio of CEO to median employee earnings



SS-S6 | Health and safety performance
(Data refer to PPC Group)

SS-S6-1 Number of injuries


SS-S6-2 Number of fatalities


SS-S6-3 Accident frequency rate


SS-S6-4 Accident severity rate
