Environment Indices (Ε)*
*Ιt should be noted that the independent limited assurance for selected indices from an external consultant are still in progress; hence some corrections might be made. Any changes that might arise will be completed by the end of the year and will be clearly indicated.
C-E1 | Total Amount of Direct Emissions (Scope 1) |
tCO2eq |
Scope 1: Direct GHG Emissions |
13,402,292.51 |
1,900,325.30 |
764,785.95 |
Direct emissions from stationary combustion |
13,355,519.86 |
1,744,434.48 |
739,940.42 |
Power Plants included in EU ETS |
13,295,332.11 |
1,773,929.66 |
739,940.42 |
Power Plants not included in EU ETS |
57,681.59 |
- |
- |
Heating of buildings |
2,506.16 |
504.82 |
0.00 |
Direct emissions from mobile combustion |
41,120.25 |
2,189.30 |
131.84 |
Direct emissions from physical and chemical processes |
1,266.00 |
122,747.34 |
24,713.68 |
Direct fugitive emissions from the release of greenhouse gases in anthropogenic systems |
4,386.40 |
954.18 |
0.00 |
GHG intensity of Scope 1 emissions |
2,482.14 tCO2 eq/ mill euros | ||
The consolidated Scope 1 emissions of PPC S.A., Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis S.A. is 16,067,403.76 tCO2eq. 2021 figures are subject to change pending the results of the ongoing ISO 14064 verification process, for PPC S.A, Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis for all three Scopes |
C-E2 | Total Amount of Indirect Emissions (Scope 2) |
tCO2eq |
Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy |
232,798.75 |
34,459.68 |
12,656.67 |
Indirect emissions from imported electricity1 |
232,798.75 |
34,459.68 |
12,656.67 |
Indirect emissions from imported energy 2 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
GHG intensity of Scope 2 emissions (location based) |
43.12 tCO2 eq/ mill euros |
The consolidated Scope 2 emissions of PPC S.A., Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis S.A. is 279,915.11 tCO2eq. 2021 figures are subject to change pending the results of the ongoing ISO 14064 verification process, for PPC S.A, Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis for all three Scopes |
1. Values reported according to GHG Protocol location-based method. Corresponding value for PPC according to market-based method is 334.728,24 t CO2eq. Values for Ligntiki Megalopolis and Lignitiki Melitis are identical for both methods.
2. Emissions from this category are related to consumption of imported forms of energy other than electricity (e.g. steam,heating, cooling and compressed air). No such consumption was recorded in 2020.
C-E3 | Energy Consumption and Generation (MWh) |
Total Energy consumption within the organization
51,978,506.26 |
Percentage of electricity consumed (%) |
= |
Electricity purchased for consumption (MWh) 672,133.78 |
/ |
Total energy consumption within the organization (MWh) 51,978,506.26
= |
1.29% |
Total energy generation |
= |
*Non-renewable electricity, fuel, heating and district heating produced 26,127,156.70 |
+ |
Renewable electricity, fuel, heating and district heating 0 |
= |
26,127,156.70 |
Percentage of energy generated from renewable sources (%)
= |
Energy generated from renewable sources 0
/ |
Total energy generation 26,127,156.70
= |
0 |
The calculations also include the subsidiaries Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. & Lignitiki Melitis S.A. |
Α-E1 | Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 3) |
tCO2eq |
Scope 3: Other Indirect GHG emissions |
1,220,594.89 |
14,626.92 |
13,667.25 |
Purchased Goods and Services (Category 1) |
75,511.56 |
2,062.68 |
5,591.04 |
Capital Goods (Category 2) |
21,479.24 |
16.14 |
18.76 |
Fuel and Energy-Related Activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 (Category 3)3 |
1,071,838.14 |
8,398.16 |
4,365.57 |
Upstream transportation & distribution (Category 4) |
34,871.89 |
107.90 |
2,575.86 |
Waste Generated in Operations (Category 5) |
5,954.88 |
97.23 |
4.71 |
Business Travel (Category 6) |
86.27 |
0.22 |
0.00 |
Employee Commuting (Category 7)4 |
2,950.29 |
3,271.37 |
1,111.32 |
Upstream leased assets (Category 8)5 |
- |
- |
- |
Downstream transportation & distribution (Category 9)6 |
440.22 |
673.21 |
- |
Processing of sold Products (Category 10)6,7 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
- |
Use of Sold Products (Category 11)6 |
7,462.39 |
0.00 |
- |
End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products (Category 12)6 |
0.00 |
0.01 |
- |
Downstream leased assets (Category 13)8 |
Franchise (Category 14)9 |
- |
- |
- |
Investments (Category 15)8 |
GHG intensity of Scope 3 emissions |
226.06 tCO2 eq/ mill euros |
The consolidated Scope 3 emissions of PPC S.A., Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis S.A. is 1,248,826.22 tCO2eq. The number was updated on 3.11.2022 2021 figures are subject to change pending the results of the ongoing ISO 14064 verification process, for PPC S.A, Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis for all three Scopes |
3. Indirect emissions from production, transport and use of fuels for the production of the electricity purchased by the company for resale are taken as zero for 2021 as the emissions from the electricity supply activity are smaller than the emissions from the activity of electricity production included in Scope 1.
4. For Lignitiki Melitis and Lignitiki Megalopolis emissions from all employees’ transportation are included. For PPC, only the emissions from the transportation of employees to most of the Electricity Generating Stations are included.
5. Based on the Operational Control approach used for inventories, the emissions from fuel consumption in leased properties and vehicles are included in Scopes 1 and 2.
6. There is no activity in this category for Lignitiki Melitis.
7. For PPC and Lignitiki Megalopolis emissions from this category are related to the possible treatment of fly ash before its use in the cement industry. It was found that no such treatment exists.
8. Emissions from leased assets and investments were not examined.
9. There is no activity in this category.
A-E2 | Climate Change Risks and Opportunities |
Risks associated with fluctuations in the prices of CO2 emission allowances, p. 22 of the annual financial report. Risks Related to Climate Change, p. 25 of the annual financial report. Risks related to climate conditions and seasonal variations, p. 25 of the annual financial report. Risks related to extraordinary events (including natural disasters, adverse meteorological conditions), p. 28 of the annual financial report. |
Climate Change Impact on Strategic Planning: Analysis of scenarios based on a short-, medium- and long-term analysis of the electricity systems of Greece and Southeast Europe, using a combination of short-term market analysis, optimization of energy systems aiming to achieve the lowest possible energy cost, modeling consumer behavior and analysis of technological trends for the development of commercially available technologies. Scenario analysis creates different trajectories for the development of electricity systems, which are then evaluated focusing on the impact they have on PPC’s portfolio. The framework we have adopted allows us to clearly represent the relationship between the scenario variables and the various risks and opportunities and then to identify the strategic and operational solutions for their management. Our approach to scenario analysis is also in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) of the Financial Stability Board. |
To identify the key types of risks and opportunities and their impact on the company’s operations, in line with the TCFD principles, we evaluate different scenarios based on two frameworks: • Risks and opportunities associated with climate change. These changes are divided into extreme weather phenomena and long-term changes in weather conditions, the first concerning extremely intense phenomena while the second more gradual but structural changes. To assess the impact of the risks related to climate change on the Group’s operations, PPC has selected three of the climate forecast scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The main variables are temperature, rainfall and snowfall. |
Α-E3 | Waste Management |
Type of Waste |
Quantity (t) |
Percentage of Waste by Type of Treatment (%) |
To Recovery Works (R) Percentage (%) |
To Disposal Works (D) Percentage (%) |
Total quantity of waste to be managed |
11,932 |
86.81 |
13.19 |
Total quantity of hazardous waste to be managed |
7,085 |
99.80 |
0.20 |
Total quantity non-hazardous waste to be managed |
4,847 |
67.82 |
32.18 |
Percentage of waste - Recycled |
16.34% |
Percentage of waste - Composted |
13.9% |
Percentage of waste - Incinerated |
0% |
Percentage of waste - Landfilled |
11.49% |
The above data are derived from the annual reports submitted for reporting year 2021 by the obliged facilities to the Electronic Waste Register (EWR). For 2021, PPC has 64 facilities that fall under the scope of the Electronic Waste Register (EWR) as waste producers. |
Α-E4 | Effluent Discharge |
Total amount of effluent discharge containing polluting substances |
0 |
PPC installations (power plants, mines) have state-of-the-art systems for the treatment of their liquid waste, in accordance with the provisions of the Decisions approving the Environmental Conditions of each installation. The treated liquid waste is disposed of either in natural surface receptors or underground, depending on the location of the installation and the relevant approvals. The Company shall systematically monitor the quantities and characteristics of the liquid waste produced and shall systematically inform the competent authorities, as provided for. The treated aqueous effluents do not contain polluting substances in concentrations higher than the limits permitted by the relevant legislation. |
Α-E5 | Biodiversity Sensitive Areas |
The areas where PPC’s mining activity is carried out are not part of the NATURA 2000 Network or other protected areas. The Company’s hydroelectric facilities located within protected areas (based on the Ministry’s NATURA maps) are 8 and occupy an area of 78,29 km2 p. 180 Sustainable Development Report 2020 Also, within the protected areas lie the steam power plants of Kerateas-Lavriou as well as the steam power plant of Meliti (along with its disposal area of its solid byproducts). It should be noted that PPC projects existed long before the establishment of Natura 2000 sites. The pan-European Natura 2000 network, for the protection of species and their habitats, was established in 1992 with the adoption of Directive 92/43 / EEC. The national list of areas of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000 was revised with JMD 50743/2017 (Government Gazette 4432 / Β / 15-12-2017). Therefore, what is protected today are the ecosystems that were formed by the construction of hydroelectric projects (dams, artificial lakes, etc.) of PPC in combination with the operation of hydroelectric plants over the years. |
SS-E1 | Emission Strategy |
PPC’s environmental policy includes actions to limit carbon dioxide emissions in the electricity generation process to address climate change, one of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. To limit CO2 emissions from thermal plants, and address climate change, it implemented actions and programs that include: The result of these actions is a reduction over time of the average CO2 emissions factor of PPC power generation system |
SS-E2 | Air Pollutant Emissions |
Pollutants |
Emissions (t) |
Sulfur Oxides (SOX) |
14,658.14 |
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) |
28,633.33 |
Particulate emissions (PM) |
843.67 |
Pb |
1.050 |
Ni |
5.570 |
Cu |
0.780 |
Cr(tot) |
1.090 |
Zn |
2.274 |
Cd |
0.092 |
Hg |
0.127 |
As |
0.265 |
The data in the table includes data published by PPC in the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR, Regulation 166/2006/EC) relating to the Interconnected System and the islands of Crete and Rhodes. |
SS-E7 | Critical Raw Materials |
During the company’s production process (lignite extraction and electricity generation), none of the 27 critical raw materials listed below and associated with the Index are used. Antimony |