Sustainable Development

Society (S)

Society indices (S)

C-S1 | Female employees

Percentage of female employees  (%)



C-S2 | Female employees in management positions

Percentage of management female employees (%)



C-S3 | Turnover rates

Full-time employee voluntary turnover rate (%)


Full-time employee involuntary turnover rate (%)



C-S4 | Employee training

Total number of training hours (higher paid 10% of employees)


Total number of training hours offered to the top 10%
of employees by total remuneration


Total number of training hours offered to the top 10%
of employees by total remuneration



Total number of training hours (lower paid 90% of employees)


Total number of training hours provided to the
bottom 90% of employees by total remuneration


Total number of training hours provided to the
bottom 90% of employees by total remuneration




C-S5 | Human Rights Policy

Although PPC does not have a Human Rights Policy, the Company constantly seeks to provide an inclusive working environment of equal opportunities and mutual respect, without any form of discrimination.

No discrimination incident has been recorded or reported to date. The PPC S.A.  strongly supports the protection of human rights and is actively opposed to forced and compulsory child labor as well as to any form of discrimination. Τhe Company fully complies with the national legislative provisions pertaining to child labor and implements procedures that exclude the occurrence of such incidents. As in previous years, no cases of forced or child labor were reported in 2020. In addition, no human rights violations or violations against indigenous peoples have been reported. In full respect of human rights and in compliance with the relevant national legislation, PPC does not discriminate, in terms of salary or otherwise, on the basis of gender, age, race, color, origin, nationality or ethnicity of its employees.

The respect and protection of human rights in the workplace primarily concerns: providing equal opportunities in the recruitment process (L. 4643/2019, etc.), placement, training, remuneration and promotion within the Company (Code of Conduct § 1 and 2), ensuring the health and safety of its employees (PPC Health and Safety at Work Policy and Code of Conduct § 3) and its contractors’ employees (Management Decisions), compliance with applicable legislation on remuneration, working hours, overtime and allowances for PPC’s management, executives and staff (Remuneration Policy of Board Members and its Committees, and the Recruitment and Remuneration Policy of Corporate Executives, PPC Staff Regulations, PPC enterprise-specific collective labor agreement, etc.). Freedom of association and collective bargaining (collective labor agreements, etc.), refraining from the employment of individuals below 18 years of age. Condemning discrimination, harassment, offensive or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or reprisals of all kinds (PPC Staff Regulations, Chapter D article 19, article 26 (3), Code of Conduct: § 13), ensuring a work-life balance for its employees (PPC Staff Regulations, Collective Labor Agreements, Management Decisions), providing incentives to stimulate enhanced employee performance, increase productivity and reduce absenteeism (CEO Decision).

With regards to the promotion of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the career progression of staff on the basis of gender, it is noted that:

• In 2020, the share of women in the staff of the company was 27.9%, while in total 28% of women held management positions as compared to 17% five years ago.
• In 2020, the participation of women in the executive staff of the Company amounted to 38%, showing a 31% increase within the last five years.
• At the same time, women accounted for approximately 41% of the middle management staff in 2020, while five years ago this figure was 31.5%.
• The percentage of women out of the total number of graduates from which the Company's Management is derived is about 35%.
• The PPC S.A. Board of Directors consists of 8 people with the following diversity categories:
o Gender: 7 men and 1 woman
o Age group: 3 members between 30-50 years old and 5 of them aged over 50.

The employees participate in various labor unions which maintain a two-way communication with the Company Management, with their active representation on the Board of Directors which includes two members representing the employees of the company, one of whom is the president of General Federation of PPC Electricity Sector Personnel.  Basic human resources arrangements are the primary concern of consultations between the Company's Management and the unions. Within the Company there are two Federations (General Federation of PPC Electricity Sector Personnel and Electricity Industry Workers’ Federation) and 30 other trade unions. The union-workers are protected under relevant legislation (with regards to transfers and dismissals). The union workers are protected under relevant legislation (with regards to transfers and dismissals). Labor union activity is facilitated through granting of leaves, in addition to those provided for in the relevant legislation, in compliance with the enterprise-specific collective labor agreement (CLA). Enterprise-specific collective labor agreements are signed, usually with a 3-year duration, following collective bargaining.


C-S6 | Collective bargaining agreements

Total number of active employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, in percentage (%).

99% (PPC S.A.)


C-S7 | Supplier assessment

1. During a tendering process, participants are required to submit a declaration that they have not been convicted by way of final judgment of a violation of social and labor law, or for any of the following offenses: corruption-bribery, participation in a criminal organization, commission of terrorist offenses, child labor, money laundering and fraud in accordance with applicable law, as well as that they have not been sanctioned for violations of labor law, which constitute grounds for exclusion in accordance with the applicable legislation.

2. The Contracts include clauses on compliance with social and labor law as well as of the labor legislation. In case of violation of the above, relevant penalties shall apply, including termination of the Contract with the consequent possibility of excluding the specific supplier from future Contracts for a certain period of time.

3. In the event of either denouncement or indications, at any stage of the tendering process or project assignment or contract, of a breach of the above, the Company has the right to request and the Contractor or Tenderer is obliged to provide relevant evidence, otherwise the penalties and clauses provided for, shall apply.

4. The relevant records for 2020 did not show any notable breaches.


A-S1 | Stakeholder engagement

Sustainable Development Report 2020

Stakeholders are described in pages 86-91 along with communication method and frequency as well as the main topics of interest according to materiality analysis.

The stakeholder identification framework was redeveloped.

Assumptions, hypotheses, constraints used for the calculation.

During the creation of the Sustainability Report 2020, the first one at group level (PPC, HEDNO, RES, and subsidiaries) which will be published in December 2021  the stakeholder’s involvement framework was redeveloped.



A-S2 | Employee training expenditure

Total amount of expenditure on employee training purposes, in Euros.



Α-S3 | Gender pay gap

(1) Average yearly pay for male full-time employees


Sum of all yearly base salaries of all male full time employees (including bonuses)


Total number of male full-time employees



(2) Average yearly pay for female full-time employees


Sum of all yearly base salaries of all female full time employees (including bonuses)


Total number of female full-time employees



Gender pay gap (%) 


(1) - (2) = 1,519.11


(1) * 100 => 32,597.87 * 100




(1) Average yearly pay for male full-time employees







(2) Average yearly pay for female full-time employees







Gender pay gap (%) 


(1) - (2) = 5,176.54


(1) * 100 => 32,848.44 * 100




(1) Average yearly pay for male full-time employees







(2) Average yearly pay for female full-time employees







Gender pay gap (%)


(1) - (2) = 1,114.4


(1) * 100 => 33,252.29 * 100



Assumptions, hypotheses, constraints used for the calculation

There is no difference in terms of Directors' remuneration (Directors of Key Business Unit) based on gender or the subject of employment. Everyone is remunerated equally in terms of regularly paid monthly/annual salaries. The same applies to the Chief Officers and the Deputy Chief Executive Officers.

The amount of their remuneration is stated in the Remuneration Policy as approved by the extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders dated December 23rd, 2019 (effective for 2020) and subsequently June 4th, 2021 and is posted on the Company's website.


Α-S4 | CEO pay ratio

Ratio of remuneration of the CEO


Annual total remuneration of the CEO


Median of total remuneration of all employees



With Employer contributions in year 2020







Without Employer contributions in year 2020








A-S5 | Sustainable product revenue

PPC has offered Sales of Guarantees of Origin under the GreenPass brand to Corporate Customers. Over 1,500,000 MWh of nominal Guarantees of Origin were already provided free of charge to PPC Corporate Customers in 2020 on the basis of the pilot program running until 2020. At the end of 2020, the first 60,000 MWh were sold at an average price of €0.20/MWh and over 800,000 MWh have been contracted for 2021. The Green Pass service was also implemented in 2020 for PPC Sales Stores also, with an annual consumption of 8.500 MWh.

In addition to Greenpass, PPC is in the process of defining and creating a methodology for calculating revenues from the broader portfolio of sustainable products that it already offers or intends to launch in the near future, in areas such as E-Mobility and broader energy services (for example, (i) the assessment of the energy performance of a building, (ii) its energy performance upgrade, (iii) the management of its energy consumption,  (iv) information on energy conservation and (v) energy efficient technologies and any other topic related to saving or managing energy consumption). 


SS-S6 | Health and safety performance

Accident frequency rate



Accident severity rate



Health and Safety Indicators



Total number of fatalities



Number of fatalities of contractor staff



Total number of accidents/ injuries

Total number of accidents: 55
Number of accidents causing absence from work more than a day (≥1 day): 50
Total number of accidents according to ESAW methodology: 32

The methodology taken into account is the “European statistics on accidents at work (ESAW) - Methodology – 2001 edition” followed by the European Agency for Safety and Health in the ESAW work EU - OSIA and EURELECTRIC. The number of accidents includes all accidents that have occurred during the work of regular and seasonal/temporary staff and have caused absence from work for more than three (3) calendar days. Accidents on the way to and from
work as well as pathological episodes, which are (statistically) examined separately, are not included.

Number of injured subcontractors



Total work hours



Total work hours of subcontractors



Injury Rate (ΙR)



Number of lost work days

In Total: 2.141
According to ESAW: 1.740

The methodology according to the “European statistics on accidents at work (ESAW) does not include accidents on the way to and from work,  accidents that have occurred during the work of regular and seasonal / temporary staff and have caused absence from work for less than three (3) calendar days, as well as pathological episodes, which are (statistically) examined separately.                                                                               

Calculation Method:
According to PPC's methodology:

Calculation method of frequency rate:

         (Number of Accidents) x 10^6

------------------------------------------------------ =    2.09

     Total hours of exposure to risk

Calculation method of severity index:

    (Number of days of absence from work (calendar)) x 10^3

------------------------------------------------------ =   0.11

   Total hours of exposure to risk

Optional Society Indices (S)

SS-S4 | Labour law violations

There was a total of 59 court cases against employees or executives of the Company of which 52 offences for breach of duty, 3 offences for breaches of environmental legislation (environmental pollution), 1 offence of obstructing the prevention of public menace, 1 offence of criminal breach of trust, 1 offence of criminal forgery, and 1 offence of fatal exposure. Of these, 29 are ongoing, while 30 have been closed either by the issuance of a judgment of acquittal or a judgement of dismissal for the defendants or the case being placed on file under Article 43 or Article 51 of the Criminal Law. Furthermore, in 2020, no fines were imposed on PPC for labour issues.


SS-S8 | Customer satisfaction

PPC conducts qualitative and quantitative surveys in the context of the customer-centric approach which is structured in a systematic way, in order to identify its customers’ new needs and explore their views about the services offered.

In 2020, 3 new surveys were conducted, aiming at the systematic monitoring of customer experience and evaluating its services using questionnaires and metrics, specifically the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This metric shows the percentage of customers who are willing to recommend the product or services they use to other potential customers.

Specifically, two NPS surveys were carried out in 2020 for customers who have been served by PPC Stores and the PPC call center, but also for those who use the e-bill application, in order to evaluate customer satisfaction of PPC services.

The first survey concerned household customer satisfaction and the second one the professional target group, recognizing the different needs as well as the deepening and the investigation required in these two important target groups.

In addition, the Company implemented a new brand tracking research, aiming at monitoring:

• The barometer of energy companies and key indicators (awareness, consideration for electricity/gas etc)
• The category barometer (selection criteria, change intention, etc)
• The perception/image of energy companies
• The attractiveness of new products

The main objectives of this survey are to enable PPC to understand the overall trends of the industry and the competitive environment, in order to improve the products and services offered.


SS-S9 | Customer grievance mechanism

Any potential complaints from our customers are considered as an opportunity to improve the services that PPC provides and increase customer satisfaction. Complaints and requests to PPC are submitted either in writing via letter (directly from customers, through the Greek Ombudsman or the Hellenic Consumers’ Ombudsman, etc.) or via email, or over the phone on the customer service line (800 900 1000) and every effort is taken in order to respond to all.

PPC’s main objective is to ensure quality customer service and handle customer requests in the best way possible. The Company develops specific, uniform procedures in order to ensure rapid, effective management of customers’ requests and complaints. These procedures are in compliance with the provisions of the Code for Electricity Supply to customers (OGG Issue B’ 832/09.04.2013) and in particular the Annex III on “Principles for Managing Consumer Requests”. To that end, PPC has drawn up and implements the Customer Request and Complaint Handling Code, which outlines the method and procedures customers must follow if they need more information or clarifications on the supply of electricity to their property and facilities or if they wish to make a request/complaint. The Customer Request and Complaint Handling Code is available on PPC’s official website.

In 2020, PPC responded to a total of 3 million calls, 2.7 million of which were requests and the remaining 300,000 were complaints. In addition, PPC received 55,000 electronic requests for new connections and 145,000 electronic contact forms, 30,000 of which were complaints.

Finally, it handled 1,200 requests from RAE and 840 requests from the "Hellenic Consumer Ombudsman" and the "Customer Ombudsman" and responded to approximately 5,000 letters submitted by customers either to PPC stores or to the Company's headquarters.

The aforementioned numbers are monitored via a computerized registration and a ticketing system.

The distinction between requests and complaints is done by a PPC employee who receives and/ or processes the case, judging from the way the customer approaches the issue and the way they address PPC.

In addition to all of the above, there was a significant number of requests or complaints submitted orally to PPC Stores, but since they were resolved immediately and did not require special management/entry in the systems, they were not recorded.

PPC tries to respond to customer requests and complaints as soon as possible, succeeding in responding within 1 day to 80% of requests/ complaints. It is clarified that the requests/ complaints that are answered within a period of more than 3 days, usually concern cases that are either forwarded to the accounting offices of PPC central services for actions and/or explanations, or to the competent stores when they are already involved in the case and their assistance is needed. Moreover, delays may occur in special cases that need further inquiry due to the complexity of an issue and it is necessary to cooperate with other Departments that may be involved (e.g. Legal Department, Information Technology Department).

Customer complaints focus on the following categories:

• Debt settlement
• Complaints related to HEDNO
• Update of the Agricultural Customers Register
• Social Residential Tariff Implementation


SS-S10 | ESG integration in business activity

Having recognized the risk, but also the opportunity that climate change presents for the Company, PPC is planning and implementing a series of actions aimed at lignite phase out and increase in the use of renewable energy sources in its energy mix.

During the reporting period, PPC proceeded with the procedures for a study in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to prepare an information disclosure plan in accordance with the guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).

One of the benefits of the above study is expected to be the identification and classification of climate change-related risks and the determination of their impact on the Company. Currently, the relevant information is monitored by the qualitative indicator relating to the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) risks into the Company's overall risk identification.

At the same time, apart from PPC laying the foundation of the SDD in 2020 and founding it in 2021, PPC is in the process of establishing a strategy and elaborating a sustainable development action plan based on Creating Shared Value (CSV) and improving ESG reporting aiming of their integration in the business strategy, the operational model, the value chain and the action plan of PPC and the wider Group with the help of specialized Management Consultants.