Through our policies and practices, which are constantly renewed and improved, we aim to achieve social well-being and create a relationship of trust and mutual benefit with the community “touched” by our products, services and operations throughout our value chain.
Communication and cooperation with stakeholders is of particular importance to PPC and is part of the Company's operation with a view to understanding the impact of its activities and improving its performance, taking into account the needs and expectations of all parties that it affects and are affected by it.
At PPC, we focus our attention on issues related to creating long-term value for the Company and more broadly for the economy, society and the environment in which we operate. In order to identify the material topics of Sustainable Development on which we will focus our strategy in the coming years and which concern and affect our stakeholders, we conduct materiality analyses every 2-3 years, with the participation of representatives from all stakeholder groups and from all regions of the country. The process of defining the material topics of Sustainable Development is carried out (in accordance with GRI Standards) in light of the process of business risks and opportunities identification and assessment.
The process and the resulting material topics are detailed in our annual Sustainability Report, which includes further analysis and assessment of PPC's performance on these material topics, based on the Global Reporting Initiative Standards. The Report includes reference to UN Sustainable Development Goals to which PPC contributes.
Amongst the Stakeholders of the Group’s companies are the following: Employees, Customers (low, medium and high voltage), Organizations, Regulatory Authorities, Sustainable Development Agencies, Investor Community, Financial Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and Local Communities, Media, State, Public Bodies, Local Authorities, Business Community (Greek and International), Partners and Suppliers, Similar Companies, Academic Community and Research Centres, Power Suppliers.