Sustainable Development


PPC is committed to adhere to the principles of responsible business and Sustainable Development, such as transparency and integrity, flexibility, resilience, compliance with the applicable regulatory framework and respect for international standards of due professional conduct and ethical professional behaviour.

Consequently, best governance practices are an integral part of its broader strategy and business model, aiming to create value for its stakeholders.

A clear signal of the importance that PPC attaches to Corporate Governance is the establishment of the "Legal Affairs and Corporate Governance Division" (LACG/Di), which is entrusted with the task of introducing new and updating existing regulations that incorporate the regulatory framework and establishing a system of principles and best practices that ensure the transparent and effective management of the Company.

In this context, we have strengthened Corporate Governance through full compliance with the new Law on Corporate Governance, L. 4706/2020, and the adoption of policies and regulations beyond those required by the legislation, embracing international best practices and the ESG criteria. In particular, we have adopted and implement:

  • the New Corporate Governance Code (Hellenic CGC, June 2021) of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council.
  • Revised/Updated Rules of Operation.
  • New Compliance and Ethical Conduct Policies and Regulations in the context of the Company's Ethics and Compliance programme.

In a broader context, PPC is ensuring full legislative compliance, improvement of its financial performance and growth, business continuity against all potential risks and is currently in the process of transformation, digitization and process improvement in order to adapt and be resilient to the requirements of optimal governance, present and future.

Detailed information can be found at Corporate Governance page.