"PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SOCIETE ANONYME" announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the company was held on Thursday, December 30th, 2010, in accordance with the Invitation, that had been published on December 8th, 2010 pursuant to the provisions of the Law and its Articles of Incorporation and posted in the Company’s website at the link The number of Shareholders lawfully present (in person or by proxy) at the Extraordinary General Meeting was 643, representing 172,959,665 ordinary registered voting shares of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is, a quorum of 74.55%.
During the Meeting the Shareholders discussed and took decision on the items of the Agenda, as follows:
- Initially approved the transfer of the whole of the activities of the Electricity Transmission currently performed by the Transmission Division of PPC S.A. to its 100% subsidiary company “PPC TELECOMMUNICATIONS S.A.” (whose Articles of Incorporation shall be amended accordingly), in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company no 280/7.12.2010, as well as the initiation of the relative process, by absolute majority of represented votes. Specifically, out of total votes of 172,959,665, 172,531,682 voted in favour (99.753%), 415,133 voted against (0,240%) and 12,850 voted present (0.007%).
- Initially approved the transfer of the whole of the activities of Electricity Distribution currently performed by the Distribution Division and the Operator of Islands Network Department of PPC S.A., to its 100% subsidiary company ”PPC RHODES S.A.” (whose Articles of Incorporation shall be amended accordingly and with the prerequisite of special regulation provided by law), in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Directors of the company no 294/21.12.2010, as well as the initiation of the relative process, by absolute majority of represented votes. Specifically, out of total votes of 172,959,665, 172,390,713 voted in favour (99.671%), 565,935 voted against (0.327%) and 3,017 voted present (0.002%).
Athens, December 31, 2010