S.A. REG. NO. 47829/06/B/00/2
Pursuant to the articles 20, par. 1 and 10, par. 2c of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and following the Board of Directors resolution No 227/19.11.2009 all Minority Shareholders are hereby invited to the Special Meeting to be held at the Company's Headquarters (30 Chalkokondili street, Athens, - 6th floor) on Thursday, December 17, 2009, at 11:00 a.m, with the following Agenda:
"Election of two (2) new Members - Representatives of Minority Shareholders at the Board of Directors of PPC S.A. in accordance with article 10, par. 2c of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, due to the expiry of the term of the Minority Shareholders' Representatives in the current Board of Directors".
The Minority Shareholders wishing to participate in the Special Meeting must deposit the following documents to the Company's Shareholders' Office (30, Chalkokondili Street, Athens, 5th floor, office 515) during working days and from 10:00' to 13:00', at least five (5) full days prior to the date set for such Extraordinary Special Meeting (namely by 11.12.2009):
a. Those Shareholders who act through an operator (Bank or Securities Agency) should block their shares via the operator and submit to PPC S.A. the respective certificate of their blocked shares, issued by "Hellenic Exchanges S.A." (HELEX), in order to participate in the Special Meeting, along with any documents concerning their representation.
b. Those Shareholders who do not act through an operator but are registered in the special securities account, operator of which is HELEX, should block their shares by a relevant declaration directly to HELEX and submit to PPC S.A. the abovementioned certificate along with any documents of their representation.
In the event that quorum is not reached at the above mentioned date, all minority shareholders are invited, in accordance with article 29 para 2 of the Codified Law 2190/1920, to a Repeated Special Meeting at the Company's Headquarters (30 Chalkokondili street, Athens, - 6th floor) on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 12:00' with the same Agenda, provided that the above mentioned procedure of submission of the relative documents to the Company's Shareholders' Office is followed, at least five (5) full days prior to the date set for such Repeated Extraordinary Special Meeting (namely by 16.12.2009) during working days and from 9:00' to 12:00'.
Athens, November 19, 2009
The Board of Directors