Investor Relations - 06.10.2020

Expiration of the five year period for the collection of the dividend for 2014



PPC S.A. informs the Shareholders that the five-year period for the collection of the dividend for 2014 expires on December 31st, 2020. Company Shareholders entitled to the abovementioned dividend, who for whatever reason have not collected it, are kindly advised to do so before that date. It is noted that, after December 31st, 2020, dividends not collected will be written off in favor of the Greek State.

For more information please contact: PPC SA's Corporate Announcements and Shareholders' Unit, 30 Chalkokondyli street, Athens 10432, tel.: + 30 210-5293207, 5230951, fax: +30 210-5230394.


Athens, October 6, 2020