Investor Relations - 23.04.2018

Composition of the BoD of HEDNO




PPC S.A. announces that the Board of Directors of HEDNO at its meeting on Monday, April 21st , 2018, concluded that, the conditions described in the second subparagraph, of paragraph 1 of article 11 of the currently in effect Articles of Incorporation of the Company, are met and therefore the term of the Chairman and CEO of the Board, Mr. Chatziargyriou Nikolaos, of Mr. Misdanitis Athanasios, Vice President of the Board of Directors,  of Mr. Spigkos Christos, Deputy CEO and of the Members of the Board of Directors Messrs. Dimitriou Vasileios, Diamantis Stefanos,  Κomninos Konstantinos which ended on April 20, 2018, is extended ipso jure, until the date of convention of the next General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company.

Following the above, the new composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:

           Chatziargyriou Nikolaos, Chairman and CEO (Executive Member)

           Misdanitis Athanasios, Vice President of the Board of Directors   (Executive Member)

           Spigkos Christos, Consultant, Deputy CEO (Executive Member)

           Dimitriou Vasileios, Consultant (non-Executive Member)

           Diamantis Stefanos, Consultant (non-Executive Member)

           Κomninos Konstantinos, Consultant (non-Executive Member)

           Masouras Konstantinos, Consultant (non-Executive Member)

The term of office of the Representative of the employees, Member of the Board of Directors  shall expire on June 23rd, 2019.


Athens, April 23, 2018