Investor Relations - 10.01.2017

Appointments of Chief Corporate Development Officer and Chief Generation Officer, as of January 10, 2017


Appointments of Chief Corporate Development Officer and Chief Generation Officer, as of January 10, 2017.

1. Mr. Ioannis Kopanakis is appointed as Chief Corporate Development Officer.  Since 2009, Mr. Kopanakis held the position of Chief Generation Officer, while in the previous years he served as Director of the Thermal Power Plants Operation Department and Director of the Planning and Performance Department of Generation Units.  Since joining PPC in 1985, and for 15 years he has worked as Senior Engineer, Maintenance Supervisor and Manager of a Thermal Power Plant (TPP). He holds a diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MBA degree .

 2. Mr. Dimitrios Metikanis, is appointed as Chief Generation Officer.  Mr. Metikanis has been working in PPC since 1986, initially in the Ptolemais Thermal Power Plant, where he remained for more than five years, gaining experience in the operation of thermal power plants. Later, he was appointed to several technical and administrative positions in the Generation Division, dealing with various projects concerning the environment, fuels (lignite, oil and natural gas) as well as plant operation. Since May 2008, in his capacity as Director of Planning and Performance Department of Generation Units, he was responsible for the development of Generation's Strategic and Business Plan, the Units’ operational planning as well as the monitoring of their operational and financial performance. He holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and an MBA degree.

Athens,January 10,2017