Investor Relations - 28.12.2016

Comments on a press article


Commenting on a recent press article on a daily newspaper and for the accurate information of the investor community, PPC clarifies the following:

-Based on the recent contract with ALUMINIUM, the company paid € 100 mln against electricity consumption of the period 1.7.2016 - 30.6.2017 and not € 1 mln, as mentioned in the article.

- The impact of the 15% discount on the Low and Medium Voltage residential and business customers who pay on time on the 9M2016 revenues of PPC is estimated at approximately € 83 mln and not at  € 500 mln, as mentioned in the article.

- Overdue debts of PPC on 30.09.2016 amounted to € 134 mln towards suppliers, € 304 mln towards IPTO and € 225 mln towards HEDNO.


Athens, December 28, 2016