PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on Thursday, November 24, 2016, in accordance with the Invitation that has been posted on October 31, 2016, on the Company’s website:
The Shareholders lawfully attending (in person or by proxy) the Extraordinary General Meeting were 168, representing 184,855,605 ordinary registered voting shares with a voting right out of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is a quorum of 79.679%.
For the first item of the Agenda: “Decision taking in respect of: a) the nomination of the preferred strategic investor for the sale of 24% of PPC S.A.’s participation in IPTO S.A.’s share capital, in compliance with articles 143 and 144 of the Law No. 4389/2016, as currently in force, b) the approval of the final Draft Share Sale and Purchase Agreement, and c) the authorization of PPC’s Chairman and CEO to sign the pertinent Share Sale and Purchase Agreement”, out of 184,855,605 votes in total with a voting right, 181,453,040 voted in favor (98.159%) and 3,402,565 voted against (1.841%).
For the second item of the Agenda: “Approval of the appointment, pursuant to article 37 of Law 3693/2008, of the Members of the Audit Committee”, out of 184,855,605 votes in total with a voting right, 181,373,668 voted in favor (98.116%) and 3,481,937 voted against (1.884 %).
Athens, November 25, 2016