Investor Relations - 15.05.2015

Formation of body of the BoD of ADMIE S.A.


PPC S.A. announces that the Board of Directors of its 100% subsidiary company ADMIE S.A. was formed into body, electing as Chairman & Deputy CEO Mr. Koroniotakis Emmanouil and as Chief Executive Officer Mr. Blanas Ioannis .
The new Board of Directors of ADMIE S.A. consists of the following members:
Koroniotakis Emmanouil Mechanical – Electrical Engineer, Chairman & Deputy CEO.
Blanas Ioannis Mechanical – Electrical Engineer, Chief Executive Officer.
Georgantzis Georgios Mechanical – Electrical Engineer , Member.
Kororonides Athanasios Mechanical – Electrical Engineer, Member.
Nikolopoulos Fotis Employee, Member / Representative of Employees.
The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be three-years starting on 10.05.2015 and expiring on 10.05.2018, except for the Employee’s Representative whose term of office shall expire on 10.06.2016.

Athens, May 15, 2015