Investor Relations - 07.12.2015

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 07.12.2015


PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was held today, on December 7, 2015, in accordance with the invitation that was posted on November 11, 2015, on the Company’s website: (
The Shareholders lawfully attending (in person or by proxy) the Extraordinary General Meeting were 185, representing 181,406,333 ordinary registered voting shares out of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is a quorum of 78.19%.
ITEM ONE: “Election of two (2) Members to the Board of Directors due to the expiration of the term of office of equal number of Members”.
More specifically, out of a total of 181,406,333 votes, 165,810,499 were valid votes , 11,428,003 were invalid votes, 2,690,749 were blank votes and 1,477,082 abstained from voting.
The following were elected, in alphabetical order, as new members of the BoD:
1. Alexakis Panagiotis
2. Vatalis Aris
The new members’ term of office shall expire on December 17, 2018.
ITEM TWO : “Compliance with L. 4336/2014 concerning the abolition of the 20% discount on High Voltage Tariffs - Approval of new High Voltage Tariffs”.
During the discussion of Item Two, the Hellenic Republic proceeded to the following statement: “In addition to the Resolution 114/26.11.2015 of the Board of Directors, and taking into consideration the current status of Public Power Corporation SA as well as the competitiveness of the Greek Economy, the Hellenic Republic proposes to the General Meeting a volume discount on the competitive capacity and power charges in addition to those decided upon Resolution of the Board of Directors. Said proposal concerns the total annual consumption in GWh and is as follows:

Total annual consumption in HV (in GWh)


Volume discount on competitive capacity and power charges


Up to 10


From 10 to 50


From 50 to 200


From 200 to 400


From 400 to 700


From 700 to 1000


From 1000 to 2000


More than 2000


For the decision on this item as it was finalized based on the proposal of the Hellenic Republic, out of a total of 181,406,333 votes, 135,272,529 (74.569%) voted in favor, 720,293 (0.397%) voted against, 5,593,901 (3.084%) voted present and 39,819,610 (21.951%) abstained from voting.
ITEM THREE: “Granting of part of the meal allowance provided to the Company’s Personnel, under the Collective Labor Agreements of PPC SA Personnel dated 27.2.2015, for dealing with the humanitarian crisis and granting free children meals at schools”.
More specifically, out of a total of 181,406,333 votes, 178,584,543 (98.444%) voted in favor , 93,023 (0.051%) voted against, 4,882 (0.003%) voted present and 2,723,885 (1.502%) abstained from voting.

Athens, December 7, 2015