Formation in a body of BoD of HEDNO S.A.
PPC S.A. announces that on Tuesday, April 21st, during the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company “Hellenic Electricity Distribution Operator SA’’ (HEDNO SA), a 100% subsidiary company of PPC SA, six new members were elected to the Board of Directors, due to the termination of the term of office of the previous members. The new Board was formed into a Body as follows:
1. Chatziargyriou Nikolaos, Professor of the School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Engineering at the Technical University of Athens, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer (Executive Member),
2. Spigkos Christos, Electrical Engineer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
(Executive Member),
3. Margaris Ioannis, Electrical Engineer, Member (Executive Member),
4. Dimitriou Vasileios, Electrical Engineer, Member (Non-Executive Member),
5. Diamantis Stefanos, Mechanical-Electrical Engineer, Member (Non-Executive
6. Komninos Konstantinos, Mechanical Engineer, Member (Non-Executive
7. Masouras Konstantinos, Employees’ Representative, Member (Non-Executive
The term of office of the six new members elected to the Board of Directors shall be for three years and shall end on April 20th, 2018.
The term of office of the Board Member-Employees’ Representative shall end on 28.05.2016.
Athens, April 21, 2015