Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PPC S.A.
PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was held on April 3, 2015, in accordance with the invitation that has been posted on March 13, 2015, on the Company’s website: (
The Shareholders lawfully attending (in person or by proxy) the Extraordinary General Meeting were 290 representing 182,971,096 ordinary registered voting shares out of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is a quorum of 78.87%.
With regard to the first item on the Agenda “Election of Chief Executive Officer”, the Hellenic State submitted, by virtue of article 39, par. 3 of Codified Law 2190/1920 as applicable and article 28 of the Articles of Incorporation in force, the following request for postponement of the relative discussion to Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 so that the Meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for Public Corporations and Organizations shall precede, pursuant to article 49a of the Hellenic Parliament Regulation, in order to express its opinion on the proposal of the supervising Minister.
Therefore the discussion on the 1st item of the Agenda was postponed to Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at 14.00p.m., at the Company’s headquarters, at 30, Chalkokondili str., in Athens, on the 6th floor.
The second Item on the Agenda was discussed and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as follows:
ITEM TWO: “Election of Members of the Board of Directors”
Following the resignations of Mr. Dologlou and Ms. Ekaterinari on 12.03.2015 with effective date 03.04.2015 and the resignations of Mr. Vissilogeorgis, Mr. Vernikos and Mr. Papasotiriou today Friday, April 3rd, 2015, a vote took place for the election of new Members of the Board.
Shareholders representing 177,670,084 voting – shares voted, whereas shareholders representing 5,297,131 voting – shares, abstained.
Shareholders representing 12,905,763 voting – shares, voted “blank”.
The new Board members were elected, in alphabetical order, as follows:
1. Andriotis Georgios
2. Goutsos Stavros
3. Koroniotakis Emmanuel
4. Papageorgiou Christos
5. Prammantiotis Panagiotis
for a term up to 29.6.2016
Athens, April 3, 2015