Investor Relations - 14.11.2013

Comments on press articles


Referring to publications of the electronic press according to which the European Commission has put in the files PPC's appeal against RAE's decision of May 2012 which set a temporary electricity tariff for Aluminium S.A., PPC clarifies the following:

Since June 2013, following written communication between PPC and the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission, it was determined that the issuance of a decision on the complaint was not considered necessary at that stage - given the temporary nature of the electricity tariff defined by RAE and its expected final determination within the following months.

According to the above, it is concluded that, apart from the Decision adopted by the European Commission in July 2011, considering the preferential tariff that PPC was forced to apply for Aluminium S.A. within the period 2007/2008 as unlawful state aid and ordering its interest-bearing recovery, no other decision is adopted at European level concerning the issue related to the billing of the above mentioned company by PPC.

Athens, November 14, 2013