The Board of Directors of PPC SA, during its meeting held on July 10th, 2013, decided to constitute itself into a Body. Moreover, it decided the reelection of Mr. Konstantinos Dologlou to the position of Vice Chairman of the Board and its appointment as Executive Member of the Board, the appointment of Mrs. Ourania Ekaterinari, Member of the Board, as Executive Member of the Board and the appointment of Mr. Filippos Tavris, Member of the Board, as Executive Member of the Board.
Based on the above, the composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:
Zervos Arthouros, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Member, his term of office expires on 20.12.2015.
Dologlou Konstantinos, Vice Chairman of the Board, Executive Member, his term of office expires on 29.6.2016.
Ekaterinari Ourania, Board Member, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of PPC SA, Executive Member, her tem of office expires on 29.6.2016.
Alexakis Panagiotis, Board Member, Independent-Non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 17.12.2015.
Tavris Filippos, Board Member, Independent- Non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 29.6.2016.
Vassileogeorgis Harilaos, Board Member, Independent – Non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 29.06.2016
Vernikos Nicolaos, Board Member, Independent – Non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 29.06.2016
Zontanos Konstantinos, Board Member, Independent – non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 29.06.2016
Thomoglou Pavlos, Board Member, Independent – Non Executive Member, his term of office expires on 17.12.2015
Karafteris Pantelis, Board Member, Non Executive Member, Representative of the Employees, his term of office expires on 27.05.2016
Fotopoulos Nicolaos, Board Member, Non Executive Member, Representative of the Employees, his term of office expires on 27.05.2016
Athens, July 11th, 2013