Investor Relations - 01.07.2013

Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders - except the minority shareholders- of PPC S.A.


PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S. A. announces that, the Extraordinary Unsolicited Universal General Meeting of the Shareholder of the Company -except the minority shareholders, was held on Saturday, June 29, 2013.

The Hellenic Republic, Majority Shareholder, as owner of 51.12% of the Company’s total shares, lawfully represented at the General Meeting by the Ministry of Finance and the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) S.A., elected, in accordance with article 9 par. 2 a) of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, the following five (5) Members of the Board of Directors, due to expiration of the term of equal number of members:

1. Dologlou Konstantinos
2. Ekaterinari Ourania
3. Vassilogeorgis Charilaos – Independent-Non Executive Member
4. Vernikos Nikolaos - Independent-Non Executive Member
5. Zontanos Konstantinos - Independent-Non Executive Member

The term of the five (5) BoD Members, expires on 29.6.2016

The formation of the Board of Directors in a Body will be decided during its next meeting.

Athens, July 1st, 2013