Investor Relations - 29.03.2013

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PPC S.A.


PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on March 29th, 2013, in accordance with the Invitation that has been posted on March 6th, 2013, on the Company’s website ( including the additional second item, that has been posted on March 14th, 2013.

The Shareholders lawfully attending (in person or by proxy) the Extraordinary General Meeting were found 164 representing 172,109,800 ordinary registered voting shares out of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is a quorum of 74.19%
The following items on the Agenda were discussed and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. “Approval of the materialization of the investment for the construction of the Plant
Ptolemais V and of the pertinent contract".

Specifically, out of 172,109,800 votes in total, 171,747,791 (99.790%) voted in favour, and 362,009 (0.210%) voted abstention.

2. “Ratification of the election of Members of the Board of Directors”.

Specifically, out of 172,109,800 votes in total, 137,704,781 (80.010%) voted in favour, and 34,405,019 (19.990%) voted abstention.

Athens, March 29th, 2013