Commenting on a recent press article citing that “with a decision taken by the Interministerial Privatizations Committee on April 25 and published in the Official Government Gazette, 17% of PPC S.A. is being transferred to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF)”, it is clarified that what is mentioned in the said decision, as published in the Official Government Gazette no B’ 1363/26.04.2012, is: “the provision of authorization to the Minister of Finance to enter into contractual agreements with the HRADF, based on which, the HRADF will exercise on behalf of the State, which is the owner, the voting rights of shares of the below mentioned companies until completion of the privatization process for each company, as described in the Privatizations Programme of the Mid-Term Fiscal Strategy Plan 2012-2015 (Law 3895/2011, Official Government Gazette A’ 151)… For PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A., voting rights corresponding to 17.00% of the share capital, which is 39,440,000 shares”.
Athens, 11th, May 2012