Investor Relations - 11.12.2012

Results of the Minority Special Meeting of "Public Power Corporation S.A.


PPC S.A. announces that the Minority Special Meeting of the Company was held on Monday, December 10th 2012, in accordance with the Invitation that was published on November 14th, 2012 pursuant to the provisions of Law and its Articles of Incorporation, and was posted on the Company’s website (

The number of shareholders lawfully present (in person or by proxy) at the Minority Special Meeting was 176 representing 55,201,608 ordinary registered voting shares out of a total of 232,000,000 ordinary registered voting shares, that is a quorum of 23.79%.

During the Meeting, the shareholders discussed and took decision on the only item on the Agenda, namely: “Election of two (2) new Representatives of Minority Shareholders at the Board of Directors of PPC S.A. in accordance with the Law and the Articles of Incorporation, due to the expiry of the term of the Minority Shareholders' Representatives as Members in the current Board of Directors”.

Out of a total of 176 shareholders holding 55,201,608 shares-votes, 132 shareholders holding 8,604,177 shares-votes (15.59 %) did not vote, while 44 shareholders holding 46,597,431 shares-votes voted validly (84.41% percentage of valid votes/in favor of the voting procedure), while there were neither Blank nor Void ballots.

The decision was taken by absolute majority of the represented votes that voted validly in favor of the voting procedure. The following were elected, in alphabetical order, as the Minority representatives:

1. Panagiotis Alexakis, with 46,588,429 shares-votes, namely 99.981% out of a total of 46,597,431 shares- votes that were in favor of the voting procedure.

2. Pavlos Thomoglou, with 46,596,431 shares-votes, namely 99.998% out of a total of 46,597,431 shares- votes that were in favor of the voting procedure.

The new members’ term of office shall expire on December 17th, 2015.

Athens, December 11, 2012