The Board of Directors of PPC S.A. proceeded yesterday to the second and last phase of the tender for the 200MW photovoltaic project of PPC in Western Macedonia.
Specifically, an invitation will be sent to the companies that were selected from the previous phase of the tender in order to submit their binding offers for the selection of the strategic partner for three mandatory actions:
1. The construction, operation and maintenance of a 200MW photovoltaic park in Western Macedonia.
2. Τhe construction and operation of a plant for solar panels in Western Macedonia.
3. Other energy and technology related actions in Western Macedonia.
The selection of the strategic partner will be made on the basis of the best financial offer and in accordance with the total rating of every bid. We aim at having the final offers submitted by the beginning of 2012, the latest, in order to select the EPC contractor and have the commencement of the construction in the next summer.
Αθήνα, 9-9-2011