Investor Relations - 29.09.2010

Comment on Press Articles – Clarifications on wind parks acquisition

Following a previous announcement, with respect to the acquisition, by its 100% subsidiary PPC Renewables S.A., of three wind parks in operation and three under development from the BCI Group of Companies and commenting on recent press reports, PPC S.A. provides the following detailed information regarding the technical and financial characteristics of these wind parks:

Wind Parks in Operation

Capacity Factor 25.03%
Installed Capacity 24.65 MW
Energy Generation 54,047 MWh/year
Acquisition expense (€ mln) 17.38
Loan (€ mln) 28.26
Total (€ mln) 45.64
IRR 11%
Net Present Value (€ mln) 4.71

Wind Parks under Development

Capacity Factor 33.70%
Installed Capacity 48.00 MW
Energy Generation 141,835 MWh/year
Acquisition expense (€ mln) 26.02
Construction Budget (€ mln) 67.61
Loan -75% (€ mln) 50.71
Equity-25% (€ mln) 16.90
Total (€ mln) 93.63
IRR 15%
Net Present Value (€ mln) 37.38

It is repeated that the relevant acquisition contract has not yet been signed, while the final acquisition cost will be determined after the completion of the financial and legal due diligence.

Athens, September 29, 2010