PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S. A. announces that, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company -except the minority shareholders of the Corporation, was held on Tuesday 15 December 2009, at 11:00 (Greek time).
The majority shareholder representing 118,605,114 shares (51.12% of a total of 232,000,000 shares) in accordance with the Greek law and articles 10 par.2a and 36 par. 3 of the articles of incorporation, proceeded with the election of Mr. Arthouros Zervos as the new Chief Executive Officer and Member of the BoD as well as the following five (5) Members of the BoD :
1. Apostolos Baratsis (Mathematician) - Independent Member
2. Georgios Nellas (CEO of ERGOSE) - Independent Member
3. Konstantinos Panetas (Mechanical-Electrical Engineer) - Independent Member
4. Evagelos Petropoulos (Lawyer) - Non Independent Member
5. Ioannis Tsarouchas (Mechanical-Electrical Engineer) - Non Independent Member
The new CEO is elected for a three years term which expires on December 14, 2012. The term of the five BoD Members, expires on the date of the 2010 Annual Shareholders Meeting.
Athens, December 15, 2009