Investor Relations - 30.05.2003

Change in the equity stakes of the Share Capital of the PPC S.A


Equity Stakes

PPC SA notices that, Fidelity Manegements & Research Company notified by its letter dated 28/5/2003, the following disclosure of Interest in PPC?s shares, pursuant to the EC Directive 88/627 and according to the Greek PD51/92:

Listed Company Concerned: Public Power Corporation S.A.
Announcing Party:Legal Entity: Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR Co.) and Fidelity Management Trust Company (FMTC), of 82 Devonoshire Street, Boston, MA, 02109, as well as Fidelity International Limited (FIL), of 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke, Bermuda.
Security type: Shares with voting rights: ordinary shares +ADRs
Percentage Change: Directly 5%
Percentage of Voting Rights: Before the change:5.15%,
After the change: 4.99%
Number of Shares with Voting rights: Before the change: 11,952,136
After the change: 11,565,236
Percentage of Share Capital: Before the change:5.15%
After the Change: 4.99%
Total Number of Shares per Share type: 11,565,236 + ADRs

Date of Transaction:27 May 2003
Date of announcement of the Transaction to the Party concerned: 28 May 2003
Date of announcement of the Transaction to the ASE: 28 May 2003