Investor Relations - 19.01.2024

Comments on press articles

Athens, January 19, 2024


Announcement – Regulated information


PPC SA ("PPC"), in response to a relevant question by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission with respect to press articles regarding an agreement with another energy company for the purchase of power generation equipment to be transferred to Crete in order to meet emergency energy needs, informs the investor community that it has not entered into any relevant agreement.

PPC, in its capacity as a generator of electricity in the island of Crete, and due to the special regulatory framework in effect until the completion of the full interconnection of the island with the mainland system, cooperates throughout the years with the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water and the competent network operators, who are responsible for ensuring security of supply.

In any case, any solution is chosen to meet the capacity needs as determined by the relevant Operator, will take into account the safeguarding of business and shareholder value.