December 19, 2024
Announcement – Regulated Information according to L. 3556/2007
Public Power Corporation S.A. (“PPC”) announces that - according to the provisions of L. 3556/2007 and the relevant notification received on 18.12.2024 by the asset management company Covalis Capital LLP as well as its ultimate controller, Mr. Zilvinas Mecelis, on 13.12.2024 have decreased their participation as a result of a corporate event (Share Capital Decrease of PPC), as follows:
a) 159,914 voting rights (or 0.04%) attached to shares according to article 10 of 3556/2007, from 151,771 (or 0.04%) on 08.12.2023 and
b) 18,843,166 voting rights (or 5.11%) through contracts for difference (CFDs) by cash settlement (art. 11 par.1(b) of L. 3556/2007, that is through a financial instrument which does not provide the right to acquire shares of PPC, but has a corresponding financial impact) from 18,417,308 (or 4.82) on 08.12.2023.
Therefore, the total participation of Covalis Capital LLP as well as the one of the ultimate controller Mr. Zilvinas Mecelis on 13.12.2024, amounted to 19,003,080 (or 5.15%) voting rights of PPC (i.e. the total of voting rights attached to shares and voting rights through financial instruments) from 18,569,079 (or 4.86%) on 08.12.2023.
The ultimate controller of the asset management company Covalis Capital LLP, through a chain of controlled legal entities (IGE Investments Limited, Covalis Capital GP Limited, Covalis Capital LP, Covalis Capital (Cayman) Limited, Covalis Capital (UK) Limited,) which have designated Covalis Capital LLP as representative in order to proceed to this notification, according to the provisions of article 5 par. 4 of the decision of the Board of HCMC, no 1/434/3.7.2007, is Mr. Zilvinas Mecelis.