Athens, August 11, 2023
Announcement – Regulated information
PPC announces that, through its subsidiary PPC Renewables, successfully participated to the tender for the installation and operation of energy storage stations for two projects with a total capacity of 98 MW held by the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water (RAWEW).
In particular, PPC Renewables was awarded both projects for which it submitted an offer, with a capacity of 50 MW/100 MWh and 48 MW/96 MWh, according to the final list of the RAWEW tender for the first competitive bidding process for the securing investment grant and operating aid to energy storage stations.
Both storage stations will be constructed in Western Macedonia, near to Steam Power Plants of PPC Group and in areas where PPC Renewables’ photovoltaic parks are under construction. The stations’ construction is expected to take place in 2024 with the aim of being put into operation in 2025.
Average price for both projects was €48,000 per MW approximately, per year.