Athens, October 26, 2023
Announcement – Regulated information
Public Power Corporation S.A. (“PPC”) announces that it has completed the acquisition of all of the minority equity stakes of Fondul Proprietatea S.A. in Retele Electrice Muntenia S.A. [formerly known as E-Distributie Muntenia S.A.] (12%), PPC Energie Muntenia S.A. [formerly known as Enel Energie Muntenia S.A.] (12%), Retele Electrice Dobrogea S.A. [formerly known as E-Distributie Dobrogea S.A.] (24.1%), Retele Electrice Banat S.A. [formerly known as E-Distributie Banat S.A.] (24.1%), and PPC Energie S.A. [formerly known as Enel Energie S.A.] (12%) in Romania, for a total consideration of RON 650 million (approximately €130 million based on a spot FX rate of 0.2).
This acquisition is concluded following the acquisition by PPC of all the equity stakes held by Enel S.p.A. in Romania.