Investor Relations - 25.07.2022

Appointment of the Members of the Audit Committee pursuant to L. 4449/2017, as in force - Election of the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of PPC S.A. and its formation into body.

Athens, July 25, 2022


Announcement – Regulated information


The Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on 29.6.2022 confirmed the type and composition of the Audit Committee (AC) as follows:


Type - Structure of the Audit Committee

 The AC constitutes an independent "mixed" committee consisting of independent non-executive Members of the Board of Directors (BoD) and third parties (Non Board Members) in accordance with Article 44 para. 1, item a’, sub item (ab) of L. 4449/2017, as amended by article 74 para. 4.1 (ab) of L. 4706/2020, and is in force, as well as in accordance with article 9 para. 1 of L. 4643/2019.


Composition of the Audit Committee

The AC shall consist of five (5) members out of whom:

a) three (3) members who are Independent Non-Executive Members of the BoD of the Company and are elected pursuant to article 44 of L.4449/2017, as in force, and

b) two (2) members elected pursuant to article 9 of L. 4643/2019

and authorized the BoD to subsequently appoint the three (3) members of the AC, as per paragraph a' above, from among its Independent Non-Executive Members.

The BoD of the Company at its meeting held on 5.7.2022 with its Decision no. 79 having considered, inter alia, the Report of the Nomination, Remuneration and Recruitment Committee (NRRC) dated 30.5.2022 on the assessment of the suitability and effectiveness of the BoD and its committees, as well as the  proposal of the NRRC dated 6.6.2022 to the BoD and given that the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on 29.6.2022, elected as Independent Board Members, Members who constituted the AC of the Company, it was deemed appropriate to maintain the same composition of the AC, as regards these members, who are elected pursuant to article 44 of L. 4449/2017, as in force, with a three-year term of office, which coincides with their respective term of office as Members of the BoD, consisting of Messrs.:

  1. Despoina Doxaki, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD
  2. Stefanos Kardamakis, Independent Non-Executive Member of BoD
  3. Maria Psyllaki, Independent Non-Executive Member of the BoD.


Also, given that the two (2) members who elected pursuant to article 9 of  L. 4643/2019, are Mr. Evangelos Angeletopoulos who was elected by the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 8.5.2020, for a three-year term of office, that is, from 8.5.2020 to 7.5.2023 and Mr. Konstantinos Holevas, who was elected by the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5.5.2022, with a term of office, the remainder of the term of office of a resigned member, that is, until 7.5.2023, the full composition of the AC, alphabetically, is as follows:

  1. Aggeletopoulos Evangelos, Non Member of the BoD
  2. Doxaki Despoina, Independent - Non-Executive Member of the BoD
  3. Kardamakis Stefanos, Independent, Non-Executive Member of the BoD
  4. Cholevas Konstantinos, Non Member of the BoD
  5. Psyllaki Maria, Independent, Non-Executive Member of the BoD


Subsequently, the AC of PPC S.A. at its meeting on 8.7.2022 elected its Chairperson, Mrs. Maria Psyllaki, in accordance with the provisions of article 44 para. 1 item e, as in force, and was formed into body as follows:

  1. Maria Psyllaki, father’s name Michael, Independent, Non-Executive Member of the BoD of PPC S.A., Chairperson of the AC, in accordance with article 44 of L.4449/2017, as in force, with a three-year term of office, i.e., from 17.12.2021 to 16.12.2024.
  2. Despoina Doxaki, father’s name Ioannis, Independent - Non-Executive Member of the BoD of PPC S.A., Member of the AC, pursuant to article 44 of L.4449/2017, as in force, with a three-year term of office, i.e., from 29.6.2022 to 28.6.2025.
  3. Stefanos Kardamakis, father’s name Ioannis, Independent, Non-Executive Member of the BoD of PPC S.A., Member of the AC, in accordance with article 44 of L. 4449/2017, as in force, with a three-year term of office, i.e., from 22.8.2019 to 21.8.2022 and following the Ordinary General Meeting held on 29.6.2022, his term of office was renewed from 22.8.2022 to 21.8.2025.
  4. Evangelos Aggeletopoulos, father’s name Demetrios, Independent, Non Member of the BoD of PPC S.A., Member of the AC, in accordance with article 9 para. 1 of L. 4643/2019, with a three-year term of office, i.e., from 8.5.2020 to 7.5.2023.
  5. Konstantinos Cholevas, father’s name Minas, Independent, Non Member of the BoD of PPC S.A., Member of the AC, pursuant to article 9 para. 1 of L.4643/2019, with a term of office, the remainder of the term of office of the resigned member, i.e., from 5.5.2022 to 7.5.2023

The Chairperson of the Audit Committee, Mrs. Maria Psyllaki, has sufficient knowledge and experience in accounting and as independent from the Company, within the meaning of the provisions of para. 1 and 2 of article 9 of L. 4706/2020, shall attend the meetings of the AC concerning the approval of the financial statements.