Investor Relations - 23.11.2021

Announcement pursuant to Law 3556/2007 (23.11)

Announcement - Regulated information

PPC S.A. (the Company) in implementation of the provisions of L. 3556/2007 as in force and of the Regulation 596/2014, announces to investors that on 16.11.2021, the below mentioned persons, who discharge managerial responsibilities, acquired common, registered, voting shares of the Company, due to their participation in the Company’s share capital increase in the context of the public offer in Greece as follows:

  • Mr. Stefanos Theodoridis fathers’ name Vasileios, member of the Board of Directors of the Company, 2,496 shares of the Company for the aggregate amount of € 22,464 and
  • Mr. Konstantinos Chrysagis father’s name Nikolaos, Special Advisor to the Management, 1,171 shares for the aggregate amount of € 10,539.