Investor Relations - 13.12.2019

Announcement according to Law 3556/2007


Public Power Corporation S.A. announces that according to L. 3556/2007 and following a relevant notification, received on 12.12.2019, by Silchester International Investors LLP (“Silchester”), in its capacity as investment manager for its clients:

- Silchester International Investors International Value Equity Trust,

- Silchester International Investors International Value Equity Group Trust

- Silchester International Investors International Value Equity Taxable Trust,

- Silchester International Investors Tobacco Free International Value Equity Trust,

- The Calleva Trust,

their total holdings on 11.12.2019  amounted to 23,010,805 voting rights attached to shares or 9.92% of PPC’s voting rights from 13.02% on 30.11.2011.

In acting for its clients, Silchester is given full discretion over their investments and is empowered to vote on their behalf. However, Silchester does not act as the clients' custodian and therefore shares are not held in Silchester's name but in the name of each client's custodian bank.

The change in Silchester’s holdings was due to a series of transactions over a series of different trading days.  Silchester’s holdings crossed the disclosable 10% threshold and changed by more than 3% compared to the disclosure of 2011.

Athens, December 13, 2019