
Working Environment

We like to build long-term relationships and are bound by common values and convictions.

At PPC we function as a family.

We work as a team, trust each other, care about the wishes and the concerns of our people, are passionate about our work and enjoy innovating, learning, growing and being daring yet respectful, for a better working environment for all.

"Industrial peace and constructive cooperation are our weapons in the difficult and demanding journey of competition. Our goal is for PPC to soon acquire a leading role, not only in Greece, but also in Southeast Europe".

Georgios Stassis, Chairman &CEO


And, first and foremost, we strive constantly to build a working environment of equal opportunities and mutual respect, free of discrimination. We adopt an inclusive culture with empathy that promotes genuine equality among staff regardless of gender, age, race, colour, origin or national or ethnic provenance.

In November 2018, as members of the Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Hellas) and the European Corporate Network «CEASE», we signed the Charter to fight Violence against Women. In this context, 22 corporate executives participated in a training workshop in 2019 organized by the Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility.