- Incorporation of all legislation and instructions from the relevant State agencies to address the COVID-19 coronavirus.
- Elaboration of a Business Plan per activity (Generation, Sale stores, headquarters).
- Establishment of a Crisis Management Committee for the pandemic.
- Establishment of a network for epidemiological surveillance and dealing with COVID-19 cases.
- Incorporation of health protocols and case management guidelines by NPHO (EODY), with additional instructions per activity (generation, mining, commercial activities, support services).
- Recurring training programmes for updating and training all competent staff.
- Immediate taking of measures for vulnerable groups, aiming at fully protecting high and/or intermediate risk groups.
- Granting of special purpose leave in case of suspension of school units, etc.
Additional preventive measures:
- Preventive diagnostic testing with RT-PCR molecular tests regularly, every 15 days, and on an ad hoc basis based on epidemiological observations to critical staff (generation, mining and front offices of Sale stores) at the expense of the Company (11,000 tests performed until today in the Attica Region and over 10,000 tests in the rest of Greece).
- Temperature screening at the entrance to buildings for employees and third parties (installation of non-contact temperature assessment devices in central buildings and supply of portable thermometers to the rest of the facilities).
- Staff updates on coronavirus issues, via ongoing posting of guidelines on the company’s portal under “OHSD Publications”.
- Ongoing staff updates via teleconferences, presentations, online trainings, as well as answering questions on all coronavirus issues via e-mail.
- Training of the heads of Service Units, as well as of Managers/Coordinators and their security personnel.
- Sending of posters /brochures in electronic form to be posted in the workplace regarding the applicable measures (hand washing, sanitizing, thermometry, social distancing, mask use, occupancy rates of offices), as well as to encourage vaccination.
- Posting on the company’s portal of useful videos and educational seminars (thermometry - means of protection).
- Ongoing oral briefings of the staff by the local Occupational Physicians. In the PPC group, 189 updates were made by Occupational Physicians regarding Covid-19 (131 updates in PPC SA and 58 in HEDNO SA, the average duration of which was hour).
- Regular inspections by the local Security Technicians of Power Plants and Mines to ensure compliance with applicable measures. Extraordinary inspections by the Security Technicians team to headquarter departments, whenever deemed necessary for the observance of measures.
- Establishment of regular/extraordinary inspection Committees (per geographical area) to ensure compliance with measures, mainly in front-line Units. Inspections are carried out based on a checklist, while a written report is submitted to the competent Chief Officer of the inspected unit and the Chief Human Resources and Organisation Officer. The inspections carried out by Central Service Units concerned both the Attica Region and the Peloponnese-Epirus Region.
Establishment of audit/extraordinary inspection Committees (per geographical area) to ensure compliance with the measures, mainly in front-line units. Inspections are carried out on the basis of a checklist and a report is submitted to the Chief Officer of the inspected Unit and the Chief Human Resources & Organisation Officer. The inspections carried out by the Central Services concerned both the Region of Attica and the Region of Peloponnese-Epirus.