The protective measures and the safety rules applied by PPC S.A. are reflected in its existing organizational structure and its activities, such as:
- The Occupational Health and Safety Department (OHSD deals with centralized Health and Safety issues, in cooperation with the competent Service Units of PPC SA and has the responsibilities of the Internal Protection and Prevention Service (IPPS).
- Service Units within the Divisions/Business Units ensure the coordination of the units on occupational health and safety issues.
- The Health & Safety Policy implemented by PPC SA is supported nationwide by approximately 70 Safety Technicians, 35 Occupational Physicians and 75 Nurses, as well as 10 Social Workers and 3 Psychologists.
- The role of the Safety Technicians is enhanced. In several cases they have taken up positions at the hierarchical level of Assistant Director, Head of Section or Subsection.
- Occupational Health and Safety Committees (OSH Committees) are in place and intervene representing employees on the issues in question.