
Environmental Management Systems

We apply Environmental Management Systems in our power generation facilities and have them certified according to the most current international standards. 

ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 Certification of Environmental Management Systems helps Businesses to demonstrate their consistent commitment to improving environmental performance.  

Aiming to constantly improve environmental performance, PPC S.A. applies Environmental Management Systems in power generation facilities which are certified according to the most current international standards.

ISO 14001 Certification of Environmental Management Systems helps Companies to demonstrate their consistent commitment to improving environmental performance.

ISO 14001:2015 places greater emphasis on the prevention of environmental risks and integrates environmental management in the Company’s strategic planning. ISO 14001 contributes to improving environmental performance in key-areas, such as:

  • Compliance with environmental legislation
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Reducing the use of raw materials
  • Improved performance – Greater efficiency – Cost reduction
  • Minimizing and safe disposal of generated waste
  • Increasing recycling
  • Strengthening credibility and competitive advantage
  • Environmental risk management
  • Constant improvement towards achieving specific objectives
  • Staff involvement
  • Creating and maintaining an open and productive relationship of trust with the local community

The main requirements of ISO 14001:2015 include the following:

  • Signing of an Environmental Policy by senior Management whereby the Company commits to prevent pollution, comply with environmental laws and regulations and constantly improve environmental performance;
  • Identifying all environmental aspects arising from the Company’s activities
  • Setting environmental targets in connection with the Environmental Policy and the identified environmental aspects (environmental risks).

The West Macedonia Lignite Center, all thermal power plants of the Interconnected System, the thermal power plants of Crete, one TPP in Rhodes, five (5) autonomous power plants, one (1) local power plant and almost all hydro power plants of the Interconnected System have obtained ISO 14001:2015 Certification for their Environmental Management Systems.

Gradually, other autonomous power plants of the Non-Interconnected System (islands) are obtaining certification for environmental management.

In 2020 the autonomous power plants (APPs) of Chios, Kos, Karpathos, Samos and Limnos obtained Environmental Management System Certification according to ISO 14001:2015.

The goal for 2021-22 is to prepare, develop, implement and obtain certification for Environmental Management Systems in the Southern Rhodes TPP (Kattavia) and the N. Plastiras HPP.

Power Plants with Environmental Management System Certification (Data of 2020)

Lignite-fired Plants

Natural gas-fired Plants Oil-fired Plants Hydroelectric Complexes
Agios Dimitrios Keratea - Lavrio Atherinolakkos Aliakmonas

Amyntaio - Filotas

Komotini Chania Arachthos
Kardia Aliveri Linoperamata Acheloos
  Megalopolis V Soroni-Rhodes Nestos
    Skyros, Samos, Limnos, Karpathos, Kos, Chios Ladonas




Note: The power plants operated by PPC subsidiaries Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A. and Lignitiki Melitis S.A.  have also  Environmental Management System Certification according to ISO 14001:2015.

Recognizing the paramount importance of environmental protection and conservation, the Management of PPC S.A. has endorsed the principles of sustainable development, which ensure that Power Plants operate in an environmentally friendly way, fully in line with PPC S.A.’s comprehensive Environmental Policy. We implement Environmental Management Systems in accordance with the International Standard ISO 14001:2015 in order to constantly improve environmental performance in Power Plants. In particular, the Management is committed to:

  • comply with the applicable Environmental legislation and other relevant requirements
  • inform, educate and encourage its entire personnel to participate in environmental protection actions in their respective areas of responsibility
  • systematically identify, evaluate and control all environmental aspects and impacts, assess Threats and seize Opportunities to improve the Environment
  • minimize and safely dispose waste generated in Power Plants by applying Best Available Practices and recovery, reuse and recycling techniques, if possible
  • ensure sound Environmental Management in the transportation of raw materials and goods
  • set, document and review Environmental Targets and the  environmental program and assess the Environmental Performance of Power Plants
  • set, document and review Environmental Targets and the  environmental program and assess the Environmental Performance of Power Plants
  • seek to create and preserve an open and constructive relationship of trust with the local community and the public at large
  • constantly improve the Environmental Management System in order to enhance Environmental Performance in Power Plants
  • protect the Environment by every means, prevent pollution, and put in place contingency plans to deal with pollution, if it occurs
  • protect the Environment by every means, prevent pollution, and put in place contingency plans to deal with pollution, if it occurs